Til The End Of Time


Til The end of time, dreams will always be fulfilled.

The purpose will be made clear.

God will always be near.

Til the end of time.

Focus will be maintained.

As a result, much will be gained.

Til the end of time, naysayers will be ignored.

God will be present and adored.

Til the end of time, life will be precious.

Never taken for granted.

Til the end of time.

My Heart


My heart feels a joy it has never known before.

It’s splendor is something I adore.

My heart believes in what is meant to be.

Knowing that God has prepared something special for me.

My heart aches to learn and grow.

My heart knows I will reap what I sow.

My heart is never doubtful.

My heart is never weary.

My heart knows to place prayer above all.

God’s grace makes me stand tall.

My heart is pure.

Thankful for bountiful blessings, you can be sure.

My heart.

When Thinking Of The Goodness


When thinking of the goodness of God

Reflect upon the blessings granted.

The seeds of faith planted.

The trails endured.

The heart made pure.

When thinking of the goodness of God

Reflect on the power of love.

Love greater than a dove.

Reflect on prayers answered

When thinking of the goodness of God

Remember the purpose of life.

A life without strife.

The goodness of God.

At My Journey’s End


At my journey’s end, my number of material possessions won’t matter.

Neither will  what was left to scatter.

What will matter is the dreams fulfilled.

At my journey’s end, my riches and gold won’t matter.

What will matter is how many were impacted by my presence.

At my journey’s end, only God will matter.

The prayers answered

The blessings granted.

At my journey’s end.

Words spoken, deeds done will mean the most.

As well as how I carried myself from coast to coast.

At my journey’s end.


Never Give Up


No matter what obstacles appear, never give up.

No matter how difficult things get, never give up.

God is ever present.

Prayer is the key.

It’s no mystery.

Never give up.

No matter what naysayers say, never give up.

Your purpose will be made clear

Keep God near.

Never give up.


Precious Time


Precious time is moments spent with family and friends.

Precious time is doing what one loves until the end.

Precious time spending time with God almighty.

Knowing that God is the key.

With God, you are free to be.

Precious time is remembering what life’s about.

Leaving childish things behind without a doubt.

Precious time.

In Spite Of


Obstacles try to block our path, but we should forge ahead in spite of.

Remember God’s love and guidance is like heaven above.

Paths are made clear.

He’s always near.

Crooked plains are made straight.

The love He provides is great.

Move forward in spite of.

Let naysayers say what they will.

Achieving goals is a thrill.

Do so in spite of.





Knowing that despite what the media says, I am worthy.

I don’t have to be a perfect size or shape.

I don’t have to resemble a model.

I was created with a better purpose in mind.

In that purpose, my light always shines.


I’ve learned to love  the gifts and the flaws.

God never makes mistakes.

He provides all


I never worry about naysayers.

They don’t compare to the love God gives.





I knew the moment he came along that he would give me a song.

The joy he gives my heart last so very long.

Kind, considerate, compassionate and more.

To me, he never closes his door.

He’s a soulmate.

Communication nonstop and it can’t compare.

The kind of relationship we have is rare.

He’s a soulmate.

When the chips are down he’s available.

Nothing beats what he does.

He’s a soulmate.