Strength Of A Woman


She continues forging ahead despite many trials.

She continues her journey in spite of obstacles.

She does what’s best despite naysayers.

That’s the strength of a woman.

She remains focused on goals set.

She keeps God at the forefront, you can bet.

That’s the strength of a woman.

She embraces life in all  its glory.

Not many may know her back story.

She stands tall in the mist of trouble.

She refuses to give up on the dream planted in her.

That’s the strength of a woman.

She never takes anything for granted.

She knows who renders her blessings.

That’s the strength of a woman.

She can discern being kind, loving, giving and the voice of reason with saying no when necessary.

That’s the strength of a woman.

She knows how to prepare for whatever comes.

She knows God is at the helm.

She takes peace with her wherever she goes.

That’s the strength of a woman.

She lets prayer lead the way.

She thanks God everyday.

That’s the strength of a woman.

She doesn’t have to scream, shout or talk very loud.

She doesn’t have to draw a large crowd.

Her confidence speaks volumes.

That’s the strength of a woman.


I am


I am thinking of a moment and time that will never leave me.

I am seeking the love of God that always fills me with glee.

I am remembering precious moments that will last forever.

I will never forget that love, life and God go together.

I am remembering water running along the shore.

I am remembering joy that always fills me to the core.

I am thinking of the blessings rendered, which never go  unnoticed.

I am remembering the love God will always show.

I am remembering the way I want to grow.

I am remembering love.

Let Go And Let God


Life is unpredictable and eventually obstacles appear.

Always keep God near.

No matter what comes.

Let go and let God.

The enemy doesn’t have the final say, God does.

Let go and let God.

When naysayers defame you.

Try to shame you.

Let go and let God.

He is alpha and omega.

The beginning, middle and end.

On him you can depend.

Let go and let God.

Remember that life is what you make it.

God gave it to you, so embrace it.

Let go and let God.




Smiles From Heaven



I think of the many blessings gained.

How often life has been strained.

When I look up, I see smiles from heaven.

I think of those who said no.

How God has helped me grow.

All the love He shows.

I see smiles from heaven.

I think of obstacles that I face.

Who always helps me finish every race.

I see smiles from heaven.

I think of life as I know it.

I don’t have to ask who  gets me through it.

I see smiles from heaven.

I look back fondly while boldly looking ahead.

Not a day do I dread.

I see smiles from heaven.

Every trial and tribulation is meant to teach.

With them, my potential I’ll reach.

I see smiles from heaven.

Never taking life for granted.

Nothing is slanted.

I see smiles from heaven.






Wisdom is realizing that no matter how much you know, there’s always more to learn.

Wisdom is knowing that for love, the heart will always yearn.

Wisdom is knowing that God should always remain at the center, the reason for all.

Wisdom is knowing that He’s the one who helps us stall tall.

Wisdom is looking back fondly at the past while forging ahead to the future.

Wisdom is never taking life for granted.

Wisdom is understanding that life is what you make it.

When presented with opportunity, you should take it.

Wisdom is  forgetting about revenge.

God is the ultimate judge.

On principles, He won’t budge.


When I Look At You


When I look at you, I see all the beautiful things life has to offer. I am reminded of a pure, unshakable love that will last the test of time. I am reminded of what can be achieved when faith is placed at the forefront. When I look at you, I see how the grace of God remains ever present as we continue our journey together, aware that only He could have made it possible. When I look at you, I know that life with you is just as it should be. God has placed the bar that we are to reach, and we will. When I look at you, I feel the safety and security required to make our love last. When I look at you, I know that God has sent me the man I’m suppose to be with. I will love you forever.

The Wonder Of You


The wonder of you makes me smile.

The sight of your face makes me think of all the beautiful things life has to offer. 

The touch of your hand gives me life. 

The sound of your voice gives me wisdom. 

The wonder of you fills me with a joy unsurpassed by anything else.

My heart knows where it belongs. 

The wonder of you offers safety, security and peace. 

Nothing beats being held in your arms. 

The wonder of you lets me know I can dream and the dream will come to fruition. 

The wonder of you allows me to enjoy life. 

For life is a precious gift.