I Hear

I hear stories of love

That exist in heaven above

I hear stories of the past

How some made moments last

I hear stories of the peace

Only prayer can release

I hear stories of the journey

Ordained by God only

I hear stories of joining hands

Right where love stands

I hear stories of following the light

That shines day and night

I hear stories of a home

Where many souls roam

I hear stories of God’s affection

As well as protection

I hear stories of blessings granted

And many seeds planted

I hear stories of the word

That deserves to be heard

I hear stories of moments shared

And many dreams dared

I hear stories of what God can do

How some made it through

I hear stories of a smile

Lasting quite awhile

I hear stories of God’s miracles

While standing on principles

I hear stories of what’s by design

Why everything is fine

I hear stories of folks in their prime

All the time

I hear stories of a beautiful place

Filled with God’s grace

I hear stories of a loving voice

Making people rejoice

I hear stories of one heartbeat

Where every soul will meet

I hear

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